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Image by Brooke Cagle


Wir suchen Dich für unser Team

Everything we do is based on community, passion,  commitment and creative enthusiasm.

As Stadtknd, we have the goal of manufacturing our products in a resource-saving manner, respecting our fellow human beings, protecting the planet and manifesting more sustainability in urban regions.

Sustainability is firmly anchored at Stadtknd. We want to constantly develop and improve. It is important to us to gradually become more sustainable.

You can find out how we do this here.

Marketing & Design

As Stadtknd, we have the goal of manufacturing our products in a resource-saving manner, respecting our fellow human beings, protecting the planet and manifesting more sustainability in urban regions.

Sustainability is firmly anchored at Stadtknd. We want to constantly develop and improve. It is important to us to gradually become more sustainable.

You can find out how we do this here.

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As Stadtknd, we have the goal of manufacturing our products in a resource-saving manner, respecting our fellow human beings, protecting the planet and manifesting more sustainability in urban regions.

Sustainability is firmly anchored at Stadtknd. We want to constantly develop and improve. It is important to us to gradually become more sustainable.

You can find out how we do this here.

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Finanzen & Buchhaltung

As Stadtknd, we have the goal of manufacturing our products in a resource-saving manner, respecting our fellow human beings, protecting the planet and manifesting more sustainability in urban regions.

Sustainability is firmly anchored at Stadtknd. We want to constantly develop and improve. It is important to us to gradually become more sustainable.

You can find out how we do this here.

Mehr erfahren >

green plan information
Image by Raghu Nayyar
Wer ist Stadtknd

Die STADTKND Manufaktur verkörpert Schaffenskraft und kreative Ideen. Sie schafft Freiraum zur kreativen Entfaltung und führt Menschen zusammen.

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© 2021 by Stadtknd.Art. Made with love.

Stadtknd Manufaktur  Kötzschenbroder Str. 9  Dresden

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