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stadtknd schriftzug schaukasten.jpg
Gemeinsam die
Welt ein Stück  Bunter machen.
Statknd mauakur
Image by Pawel Czerwinski

(Art) (S)ustainably (D)esigned


Kunst ist für uns eine schöpferische Tätigkeit, ein Mittel des Ausdrucks von Ideen, Fähigkeiten und Emotionen. Wir möchten mit Kunst Menschen im Alltag begeistern und bieten Freiraum zur kreativen Entfaltung.

We create and design long-lasting products with a passion for many areas of life that inspire people for art.

Leonardo DaVinci.
pinselstrich gelb stadtknd


Limited art with many faces and a clear message. A mix of pop and street art.

pinselstrich weinrot stadtknd


Limited art with many faces and a clear message. A mix of pop and street art.

pinselstrich grün


Unser Farbatelier ist ein Ort der Begegnung und Inspiration, an dem Kunst und Spaß Hand in Hand gehen. Willkommen in einer Welt voller Farben und Möglichkeiten.

Hier laden wir ein zum Action Painting für Paare, Familien, Kinder und bieten Freiraum für Kurse, Seminare, private Veranstaltungen sowie Geburtstage. Hier könnt Ihr kreativ werden, euren Ideen Freiraum geben und gemeinsam eine schöne Zeit verbringen.

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Kreative Köpfe

Wer steckt eigentlich hinter STADTKND?

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Various materials and
high quality standards

Our favorite material is wood. It can be processed, shaped and refined like no other raw material. But its individual grain makes each piece something very special.

Besides wood we use a lot of other materials to develop new products. For example, we upcycle old bicycle spokes and process them in our VAUZT tablet/document holder. And our goods are packed with artist paper which we saved from an old art yard.

Our favorite material is wood. It can be processed, shaped and refined like no other raw material. But its individual grain makes each piece something very special.

Besides wood we use a lot of other materials to develop new products. For example, we upcycle old bicycle spokes and process them in our VAUZT tablet/document holder. And our goods are packed with artist paper which we saved from an old art yard.

Image by Christin Hume

E book download

Your way.


Here you will find an excerpt of various projects that we have realized and implemented. From 3D animation to logo design to photography and video projects. Wildly scattered and everything at a glance. You will soon find a selected project portfolio here.

Danke für Deine Anmeldung!


Here you will find an excerpt of various projects that we have realized and implemented. From 3D animation to logo design to photography and video projects. Wildly scattered and everything at a glance. You will soon find a selected project portfolio here.

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  • Pinterest - Schwarzer Kreis
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